Thursday 2 May 2013

A few of my favourite things

This winter has felt never ending, in more ways than just the cold bleak weather, but spring is here and it feels as though there are easier times on the horizon.

I always like May, it's often sunny, there are two bank holidays and life always seems to be good ! Hoping for some happy times this spring and Summer. To start off the month we had a trip out to a little park nearby, it's one specifically for pre school kids so is perfect for us. I have a lovely lady who helps me on a Tuesday and Wednesday for some of the day, so with the promise of an afternoon in bed, and an energetic assistant, we ventured out to the park.....IN THE SUNSHINE !

Catching up with a few photos of the last weeks.

 Flowery ones......

 Painty ones.......

Out in the sunshiny ones........

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